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GCode File that reliably causes the extruder to jam?  

New Member
GCode File that reliably causes the extruder to jam?

Ok - I am pretty new to this, have my Mini for 2 weeks.

I am printing in PETG with some GEETECH filament (a gift) and slightly modified PETG settings (5C higher temperatures and slower first level speed for better adhesion) - nothing really exciting or complicated. Almost all of my prints work well.

But then there is that specific GCODE file (which contains 4 parts), where at some point during the print, I believe due to supports, it starts clicking like crazy (my Mini clicks when retrackting Filament) until it starts squeeking and then the extruder gets stuck. The printer seems to be generating tiny detail supports at the point with loads of retractions...

I have removed the filament which actually seems to break in the extruder gear and tried to reprint - with the same failure occurring at round about the same time for each try.

Again - other prints work okay.

I have the clicking sound when the filament retracts though - which seems to be normal or not (the discussions seem to be inconclusive somehow) - but maybe the filament breaking is a related issue? I don't have enough experience to tell...

Is this something to be expected/can happen? My model isn't really complicated and it would be quite annoying as I cannot possibly check for these issues beforehand. If I had to watch the printer for these things to happen all the time it would really be far off Prusa's marketing promise...

Any shared experience would be most welcome!

Thanks in advance, MJ


Publié : 15/04/2021 10:11 am
New Member
RE: GCode File that reliably causes the extruder to jam?

Hi mj    sorry I can't be of help but I am interested in seeing  if you get this issue  fixed .                                                                                                I am having  the same issues  as you  Using pla .  I am also new to this and find in it very disappointing . all I have for the last two weeks of time and effort  is around 30 euros  of wasted  firmament  . I have a printer that doesn't  give consistent  results  even when doing   several  calibration  tests one after the other on the same settings I get different  results  . at this moment  I feel like I have  made a expensive  mistake  buying  this printer  

Publié : 17/04/2021 9:14 am
Eminent Member
RE: GCode File that reliably causes the extruder to jam?

In my optinion the prusa PETG settings have way to aggressive retraction settings for the mini. I had the same problems (combined with the PTFE tube hotend issues, which didn'd help to solve this...).

I solved this mainly through reducing the retraction to a fraction of the original settings. I retract much slower and much less. Also it should help to avoid the generation of retractions in the first place. This means:
-print 1 part a a time (2 parts at once force at least one retraction per layer, just because there are 2 parts)
-use "avoid crossing of perimeter" (or how it is called), this has less retractions as side effect
-avoid parts that force retractions...they suck anyway because of stringing...I'll never use PETG again for anything else than blocky monolithic parts

Ce message a été modifié il y a 4 years par MadCyborg
Publié : 17/04/2021 3:31 pm
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