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Filament dragging?  

Active Member
Filament dragging?

I've had my mini + for about 3 weeks now. I must have disassembled and reassembled the extruder 5 or 6 times to deal with stuck filament etc. 

Apart from that issue (maybe every other print), the prints that I'm doing seem good. I've changed nothing between prints except to unload the filament. The z-axis is unchanged.

Today I was doing 3 identical prints. First 2 no problem. Last print the filament seems to be being dragged or at least not being extruded properly - or a combo of both.

Is this a blocked nozzle/head? 

I'm using the smooth print surface properly cleaned.

Is this level of problems normal with 3d printers? This is my first one. I'm Beginning to get an Allen Key phobia. 

Thank you in advance for your patience with a noob.


Questa discussione è stata modificata 4 years fa da HelenaB
Postato : 05/08/2021 12:58 pm
Illustrious Member

Your first layer Z calibration is a little too low.  This can cause problems as you describe...


Postato : 05/08/2021 2:18 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Z-axis too low?

Hi Diem, thanks for replying. The odd thing is though that this is the same height I've used for all the other prints. Not sure why it would suddenly start causing this issue. Also, would it cause the gaps you can see in the photo? Thanks.

Questo post è stato modificato 4 years fa da HelenaB
Postato : 05/08/2021 2:21 pm
Illustrious Member

It's possible that your filament has picked up some water - high humidity causing damp filament which in turn becomes more susceptible to less than perfect settings.

Also, would it cause the gaps you can see in the photo?


A too low Z can also contribute to clogging as it makes extruding the first layer hard work.


Postato : 05/08/2021 3:17 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:

Ahhh I see. Thank you, it's much appreciated. I'll try raising the z axis a little to see if that helps. If not I'll swap to some new filament - just to see if it's the humidity. If still no joy I might disassemble the hot end and see if that's blocked.

Thanks again. 

Postato : 05/08/2021 3:20 pm
Illustrious Member

I'll try raising the z axis a little to see if that helps. If not I'll swap to some new filament - just to see if it's the humidity.

I suspect it's both.

I might disassemble the hot end and see if that's blocked.

If it has been blocked by back-pressure it may be enough to load-filament and answer 'no' a couple of times to flush the nozzle through.


Postato : 06/08/2021 4:16 am