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Couple of issues with prints on the MINI  

Active Member
Couple of issues with prints on the MINI

So i have a couple of issues with new MINI prints.

1. There is a some kind strange layer shift (Picture 1) whenever there are openings on the wall. What is causing this? This is only when an opening is on the wall and the side does not matter (it happens on each side)

2. Sometimes on the first layer a small warp comes up (Picture 2) . What causes this and how can it be fixed?

3. The bed level difference between the left and right side of the bed is around 0.45mm i can see the z offset adjusting for the uneven bed when the print head goes from left to right. For me that seems like a pretty huge difference, can the bed somehow be adjusted?

4. I also have the extruder clicking/clacking noise during (most probably) retraction . Is there any fix for that? This noise is annoying...

Opublikowany : 24/08/2020 5:43 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Couple of issues with prints on the MINI

The top pic is showing the infamous "buldge" issue. Search on "buldge" to find threads on the topic. In general, slowing down and adding perimeters can help, as can calibrating your extrusion mutliplier. Some folks get better results with other slicers.

The bottom pic indicates your Live-Z adjustment is a tad too low (too negative). I'd raise it (make less negative) by 0.06mm to start, then work upwards in 0.02mm increments.

My notes and disclaimers on 3D printing

and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan

Opublikowany : 24/08/2020 6:18 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Couple of issues with prints on the MINI


Thanks for the suggestion will check it out. But what i do not understand with the first issue is that it only happens when there is a cut out in the wall like in that pic above, after it looks ok again. Also on the outside it is like you can see slightly warp in the wall but on the inside it is slightly warped out (standing out) of the wall so it is like a shift but only happens when there are cut outs in the wall...

Opublikowany : 24/08/2020 6:28 pm