Calibration issue - nozzle making contact with heat bed screws during Z axis calibration?
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Calibration issue - nozzle making contact with heat bed screws during Z axis calibration?  

Eminent Member
Calibration issue - nozzle making contact with heat bed screws during Z axis calibration?

I finally got my new (secondhand) Prusa Mini+ up and running but it seems to have an issue calibrating. 

• During the last part of calibration, the nozzle makes contact with the upward facing screws in the heatbed.

• When printing the below print (without live-adjusting Z), the last two tabs are printing much worse than the others - I'm hoping this is because of the nozzle hitting the screws and causing an inaccuracy during the mesh bed levelling process - otherwise there may be another issue 😥 


Whatever I set the z axis to, it always seemed to print 'lower' on the last two tabs and now I'm concerned that this may affect my actual prints e.g. the section of the print on that side may not be level with the rest of the print.


The printer was sold as Used but working as intended (i.e. no known issues). These are its upgrades, courtesy of the previous owner:

• Wi-fi interface

• 2 x new print beds

• Full set of new misumi bearings

• Bond-tech IFS extruder (internal filament sensor)

• Slice engineering copperhead hot end

• E3D 0.4mm nozzle x

• Original spool holder

• Squash ball feet

• Front USB screen

• Superpinda auto bed levelling


I've never had these calibration issues with my other Mini+ which is stock with no upgrades. 

Posted : 03/09/2023 1:51 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Calibration issue - nozzle making contact with heat bed screws during Z axis calibration?

Apologies I should note that I am using the most recent firmware (4.4.1)

Posted : 03/09/2023 4:38 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Calibration issue - nozzle making contact with heat bed screws during Z axis calibration?

I've tested an actual print and experienced some quality issues as expected with the layers on one side (of the x axis):

Here is how it looks in PrusaSlicer (I've also attached the gcode)

What I didn't expect was for the four extrusions on the top-side of the model to be excluded from the final print - I have no idea why that's happening 😥 

Posted : 03/09/2023 5:33 pm
Reputable Member
RE: Calibration issue - nozzle making contact with heat bed screws during Z axis calibration?


Posted by: @jake-11

I finally got my new (secondhand) Prusa Mini+ up and running but it seems to have an issue calibrating. 

• During the last part of calibration, the nozzle makes contact with the upward facing screws in the heatbed.

Probably the ZY position is incorrect.

Check that the housing with the buddy board is mounted correctly.

Posted : 04/09/2023 6:59 am
Noble Member
RE: Calibration issue - nozzle making contact with heat bed screws during Z axis calibration?

Could you provide pictures of all sides please 

Please help me out by downloading a model it's free and easy but really helps me out

Posted : 04/09/2023 9:10 am