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Bed issues?  

Active Member
Bed issues?


i noticed that i have some issues when printing huge objects so i used the OctoPi Bed Visualizer and this result came out:

Recv: 0 -0.155 +0.048 +0.072 -0.044
Recv: 1 -0.017 +0.204 +0.184 +0.118
Recv: 2 -0.022 +0.163 +0.192 +0.175
Recv: 3 -0.195 +0.052 +0.168 +0.160


I did the measurements with a SPINDA.

This looks for me like extremely uneven. Is there somethin i can do about it? Is that normal?


Ce sujet a été modifié il y a 4 years par wybielacz1
Publié : 04/12/2020 8:46 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Bed issues?
Posted by: @wybielacz1


i noticed that i have some issues when printing huge objects so i used the OctoPi Bed Visualizer and this result came out:

Recv: 0 -0.155 +0.048 +0.072 -0.044
Recv: 1 -0.017 +0.204 +0.184 +0.118
Recv: 2 -0.022 +0.163 +0.192 +0.175
Recv: 3 -0.195 +0.052 +0.168 +0.160



I did the measurements with a SPINDA.

This looks for me like extremely uneven. Is there somethin i can do about it? Is that normal?


Maybe your printing bed is not completely flat. check it with a ruler.
To compensate for this, you could install the silicon-, nylock- or spring mod. (also possible for the Mini). (also possible for the Mini).




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Publié : 04/12/2020 9:46 pm
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