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Grupa: Zarejestrowany
Dołączył: 2025/03/09
Active Member
Hey dude. Just coz I said it worked doesn’t mean I find it a... In forum Hardware, firmware and software help |
5 days temu | |
I've tried 2 PETG prints and got the nozzle cleaning error b... In forum Hardware, firmware and software help |
6 days temu | |
That seems a bit worrying to me. What would ‘settle down’ af... | 2 weeks temu | |
Thanks for that. I unloaded and reloaded the filament (I had... | 2 weeks temu | |
Thanks but I’m using the preloaded g-codes and it says PLA o... | 2 weeks temu | |
Under extrusion? | 2 weeks temu | |
Wrong filament??? | 2 weeks temu |