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Registrato: 2020/03/29
Eminent Member
Thanks. Done ./p>

Nel forum PrusaSlicer

5 months fa
Please provide release notes for stable versions

Nel forum PrusaSlicer

5 months fa
How to import a new design from Thingieverse to Prinables?

Nel forum General discussion, announcements and releases

8 months fa
Thanks Swiss Cheese. Can you explain to me how to do selecti...

Nel forum PrusaSlicer

2 years fa
Long thread and still no answer. Is it possible to have a se...

Nel forum PrusaSlicer

2 years fa
I would say less manual post-processing work and cleaner edg...

Nel forum PrusaSlicer

3 years fa
@Swiss_Cheese, I agree with the need for selective brims. ...

Nel forum PrusaSlicer

3 years fa
Thanks everybody for the answers. 1. I tried adding a part b...

Nel forum PrusaSlicer

3 years fa
How to configure PS old behavior when closing its window?

Nel forum PrusaSlicer

3 years fa
Is it possible to have a selective brim?

Nel forum PrusaSlicer

3 years fa
Thanks @neophyl, that answers my question. I will look for 2...

Nel forum PrusaSlicer

3 years fa
Why 'solid infill' has double layer height?

Nel forum PrusaSlicer

3 years fa
Thanks @ringarn67! This is exactly what I was looking for.

Nel forum PrusaSlicer

3 years fa
How to copy the entire Prusaslicer configuration from one co...

Nel forum PrusaSlicer

3 years fa
If you are handy with electronics you can try swapping the t...

Nel forum General discussion, announcements and releases

4 years fa
This is exactly what we are asking Prusa, to accept generic ...

Nel forum PrusaSlicer

4 years fa
@towlerg, you are right, they didn't cripple slic3r, but the...

Nel forum PrusaSlicer

4 years fa
> if you select "Configuration/Preferences/Show incompati...

Nel forum PrusaSlicer

4 years fa
@joantabb, if Prusa is open to include generic profiles for ...

Nel forum PrusaSlicer

4 years fa
I understand that the filament management systems is optimiz...

Nel forum PrusaSlicer

4 years fa
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