I had the same problem when I overtook responsibility for a ... In forum General discussion, announcements and releases |
6 days temu |
For me Prusa over Bambu is a no-brainer. Prusa is (in my opi... In forum General discussion, announcements and releases |
1 week temu |
NeedItMakeIt tried making a machine belt with TPU. His concl... In forum General discussion, announcements and releases |
1 week temu |
Haha, I actually do work at a technical university but not w... In forum General discussion, announcements and releases |
2 weeks temu |
Vacuum bags render silica gel beads ineffective? In forum General discussion, announcements and releases |
2 weeks temu |
I haven't mounted a camera (yet?) but if I would mount it on... In forum Buddy3D |
2 weeks temu |
I have the same problem except with another filament. It has... In forum How do I print this? (Printing help) |
2 weeks temu |
I have the MK4 (not the MK4S) and when I change nozzles I ne... In forum Assembly and first prints troubleshooting |
2 weeks temu |
Thank you for the reassurance Clemens. I removed, cut my fil... In forum Hardware, firmware and software help |
2 weeks temu |
Normal Nextruder gear gap? In forum Hardware, firmware and software help |
2 weeks temu |
I might be missing something obvious here, but a simple air-... In forum General discussion, announcements and releases |
2 weeks temu |
If you're investing into 3D printing with your time, I would... In forum How do I print this? (Printing help) |
2 weeks temu |
It sounds like you might be having wet filament. Look up "ho... In forum How do I print this? (Printing help) |
3 weeks temu |
Source of drybox shown in video? (Prusa promo-material) In forum General discussion, announcements and releases |
3 weeks temu |
Have you considered variants of PLA? For example X-PLA from ... In forum General discussion, announcements and releases |
3 weeks temu |
Perhaps I'm missing what the problem is, but when I do color... In forum General discussion, announcements and releases |
3 weeks temu |
I currently have the MK4 with the Original Enclosure. The Or... In forum General discussion, announcements and releases |
3 weeks temu |
What is the reason for the pointy end? If it's just for easy... In forum General discussion, announcements and releases |
1 month temu |
Best dowel shape for 3D printing? In forum General discussion, announcements and releases |
1 month temu |
People who lurk the Prusa forums for fun are probably not re... In forum General discussion, announcements and releases |
2 months temu |