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Gruppe: Registriert
Beigetreten: 2017/07/02
Active Member
Just to pile on, I am having almost the exact same issue. An... | Vor 6 years | |
If you post the GCODE and S3D profiles, someone might be abl... Im Forum Others (Archive) |
Vor 7 years | |
I just want to say thanks for posting such fantastic results... Im Forum Others (Archive) |
Vor 7 years | |
I am one of the users who doesn't have jams in the multiplex... | Vor 7 years | |
Yep, this is the problem I continue to have. I've gone throu... Im Forum Others (Archive) |
Vor 7 years | |
A couple months ago, I felt the same way you do in y... Im Forum Others (Archive) |
Vor 7 years | |
Unfortunately, I can't disagree with many of your points. I ... Im Forum Others (Archive) |
Vor 7 years | |
I am getting super fed-up with this issue at this point. I'... | Vor 7 years | |
I was considering getting the MK2/MK2s->MK3 upgrade and t... Im Forum Prusa i3 kit (Archive) |
Vor 7 years | |
I'd also like to try KISS on some multimaterial prints this ... Im Forum Awesome prints (Hall Of Fame) |
Vor 7 years |