Somewhere in the forum here there are a few posts here and t... Dans le forum Prusa i3 kit (Archive) |
il y a 8 years |
Theres a couple of different connectors used, i don't have a... Dans le forum Prusa i3 kit (Archive) |
il y a 8 years |
Well, I guess its safe to say: happens.
Maybe some filamen... Dans le forum Print tips (Archive) |
il y a 8 years |
I started with the nozzle lower than the bed.
I guess you ... Dans le forum Prusa i3 kit (Archive) |
il y a 8 years |
Can you try printing the Prusa logo from the SD-card that wa... Dans le forum Print tips (Archive) |
il y a 8 years |
Sounds like the height of where you have your PI... Dans le forum Prusa i3 kit (Archive) |
il y a 8 years |
Given the fact that standard bed temperature for PLA is righ... Dans le forum Prusa i3 kit (Archive) |
il y a 8 years |
First of all, after swapping a nozzle, you need to finetune ... Dans le forum Print tips (Archive) |
il y a 8 years |
Usually, bumps like this can be counteracted with different ... Dans le forum Print tips (Archive) |
il y a 8 years |
Here, I'll try a guess since nobody dared to jump in yet..
... Dans le forum Prusa i3 kit (Archive) |
il y a 8 years |
Also, make sure your bed is clean. Usually cleaning it with ... Dans le forum Prusa i3 kit (Archive) |
il y a 8 years |
Ok, first of all, skip the glue. A "normal" PLA print needs ... Dans le forum Prusa i3 kit (Archive) |
il y a 8 years |
Here's another way to get some time estimates: User Repetier... Dans le forum Software (Archive) |
il y a 8 years |
Interesting tests done by Thomas Sanladerer with respect to ... Dans le forum Others (Archive) |
il y a 8 years |
Also try cleaning the nozzle. Might be a partial blockage ca... Dans le forum Others (Archive) |
il y a 8 years |
I have a simple rule: I always do 1 or 2 cold pulls (a.k.a "... Dans le forum Prusa i3 kit (Archive) |
il y a 8 years |
Here's how I fixed my noise issues. I do not have any neighb... Dans le forum Others (Archive) |
il y a 8 years |
mix as in load two colors to get a mixed 3rd color: no.
Yo... Dans le forum Others (Archive) |
il y a 8 years |
Failures like this can happen, for example when the part its... Dans le forum Prusa i3 kit (Archive) |
il y a 8 years |
Don't think corners, think sides - like this:
With respe... Dans le forum Prusa i3 kit (Archive) |
il y a 8 years |