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Grupa: Zarejestrowany
Dołączył: 2017/03/02
Active Member
Just went to print in Single Mode and saw this option. I di...

In forum General discussion, announcements and releases

10 months temu
SpoolJoin for MK4?

In forum General discussion, announcements and releases

10 months temu
The option to order the printed parts was there on day 1. D...

In forum General discussion, announcements and releases

10 months temu
Just got my tracking number this morning.

In forum General discussion, announcements and releases

10 months temu
Like everyone else that ordered the MK4 MMU3, I fronted Prus...

In forum General discussion, announcements and releases

10 months temu
Is it the end of the week yet? MMU3 for the MK4 / MMU2->M...

In forum General discussion, announcements and releases

11 months temu
Having printed for a few hours already I was bouncing betwee...

In forum Assembly and first prints troubleshooting

2 years temu
The probe should be 0.75 to 1mm above the nozzle. Get some ...

In forum Prusa i3 kit (Archive)

8 years temu
OctoPrint Plugin - LEDStripControl - M150 Command

In forum Others (Archive)

8 years temu
So much for 3 day shipping. 60 days from order to door on a...

In forum General discussion, announcements and releases

8 years temu
Orange Kit Order: 03/02/2017 Ship Notification: 04/24/2017 ...

In forum General discussion, announcements and releases

8 years temu
So officially not on schedule.

In forum General discussion, announcements and releases

8 years temu
March 02 order here. Still no shipping notification.

In forum General discussion, announcements and releases

8 years temu
Ordered on March 2nd and still nothing. They must have take...

In forum General discussion, announcements and releases

8 years temu
Woooo! It's coming! Orange kit ordered 26/02, got my track...

In forum General discussion, announcements and releases

8 years temu