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Registrato: 2016/05/15
Active Member
I'm kinda in the same state of mind as you. I don't really k... Nel forum Others (Archive) |
7 years fa | |
Hi, just to share my experience. I tried to print with Unico... | 7 years fa | |
As we are on the subject of configuration, I noticed that th... Nel forum Others (Archive) |
7 years fa | |
Hum... PVA seem to stick a lot less than PLA. I can't make t... Nel forum Others (Archive) |
7 years fa | |
Ah yes sorry, I didn't even thought of looking in the filame... Nel forum Others (Archive) |
7 years fa | |
Slic3r Soluble interface visualisation & print issue Nel forum Others (Archive) |
7 years fa |