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Gruppo: PrusaLink-beta
Registrato: 2017/05/02
Titolo: Utenti
Dear Christian, thanks for your reply, but i am really near...

Nel forum Hardware, firmware and software help

6 years fa
man this is really a horrible story with prusa customer serv...

Nel forum Hardware, firmware and software help

6 years fa
again 5 days without any answer from prusa support! i really...

Nel forum Hardware, firmware and software help

6 years fa
so after 4 weeks i get back my printer from prusa and they s...

Nel forum Hardware, firmware and software help

6 years fa
this is getting really anoying, again 2! Days with no answer...

Nel forum Hardware, firmware and software help

6 years fa
Hey Guys, please I am no new user of 3d printers. i had repl...

Nel forum Hardware, firmware and software help

6 years fa
so my printer is now about 2 weeks at prusa for repair and i...

Nel forum Hardware, firmware and software help

6 years fa
@devilhunter my X motor is not moving when y is printing for...

Nel forum Hardware, firmware and software help

7 years fa
so here is my feedback: changing motor makes no difference, ...

Nel forum Hardware, firmware and software help

7 years fa
Prusa Support gave ma an idea to change the x and y motors. ...

Nel forum Hardware, firmware and software help

7 years fa
vertical lines on y

Nel forum Hardware, firmware and software help

7 years fa
still having the same problem and following the thread for a...

Nel forum General discussion, announcements and releases

7 years fa
same here since the last firmware. with older firmware i don...

Nel forum Others (Archive)

7 years fa
still have the same problems with ringing/ghosting. testet a...

Nel forum How do I print this? (Printing help)

7 years fa