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Gruppe: Registriert
Beigetreten: 2017/09/26
Eminent Member
Does the pinda reach some kind of equilibrium when heated as...

Im Forum Prusa i3 kit (Archive)

Vor 7 years
This firmware has the filament runout sensor procedure activ...

Im Forum Assembly and first prints troubleshooting

Vor 7 years
Very interesting. So far the noise level has been very accep...

Im Forum Others (Archive)

Vor 7 years
The SD card issue resolved itself, but there's some strange ...

Im Forum Assembly and first prints troubleshooting

Vor 7 years
I'm happy to report after some light grease application to t...

Im Forum Others (Archive)

Vor 7 years
Actually, I do believe the FMC08s have a very slight amount ...

Im Forum Others (Archive)

Vor 7 years
Thanks for the quick follow-up Waldemar. I was successful, b...

Im Forum Assembly and first prints troubleshooting

Vor 7 years
Hi, got finally the new 3.1.0-RC2 firmware for Prusa i3 MK2...

Im Forum Assembly and first prints troubleshooting

Vor 7 years
I went ahead and ordered some super lube grease which will g...

Im Forum Others (Archive)

Vor 7 years
Good to know Stephan, I've got some grease sitting around th...

Im Forum Others (Archive)

Vor 7 years
This is a really great mod and I'm looking forward to trying...

Im Forum Assembly and first prints troubleshooting

Vor 7 years
I think you need to make a few more posts before you can att...

Im Forum Others (Archive)

Vor 7 years
Some good news this time. On a whim I decided to try the one...

Im Forum Others (Archive)

Vor 7 years
Well, I spent my Friday spent almost completely disassemblin...

Im Forum Others (Archive)

Vor 7 years
Thanks again for the reply Stephan. I just measured my Y rod...

Im Forum Others (Archive)

Vor 7 years
So after a couple days of messing around and replacing and a...

Im Forum Others (Archive)

Vor 7 years
One other thing: where are you getting the Misumi bearings? ...

Im Forum Others (Archive)

Vor 7 years
I can't thank you enough for the detailed responses Stephan....

Im Forum Others (Archive)

Vor 7 years
Thanks for the explanation Stephan. I suspected some static ...

Im Forum Others (Archive)

Vor 7 years
Going to spit ball here. Poorly mixed lower quality filament...

Im Forum Others (Archive)

Vor 7 years
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