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Grupo: Registrado
Registrado: 2019/07/03
Noble Member
You have to be logged in - and for some reason you have to b...

En el foro General discussion, announcements and releases

hace 5 years
If you have one, check the nozzle temperature. The temperatu...

En el foro Hardware, firmware and software help

hace 5 years
UBolts a bit too tight can squeeze the bearings, causing a b...

En el foro Assembly and first prints troubleshooting

hace 5 years
My concern would be that your nozzle temperature appears to ...

En el foro Hardware, firmware and software help

hace 5 years
Well - don't consider them belt tension numbers. They are mo...

En el foro Assembly and first prints troubleshooting

hace 5 years
It has absolutely no effect - as in zero - on the printer ru...

En el foro User mods - OctoPrint, enclosures, nozzles, ...

hace 5 years
The 3B is perfect for almost every user. Tasmith2 is the onl...

En el foro User mods - OctoPrint, enclosures, nozzles, ...

hace 5 years
Don't let lubricant hide a bind. Make sure you can manually ...

En el foro Assembly and first prints troubleshooting

hace 5 years
I like this! Gotta try it...

En el foro Assembly and first prints troubleshooting

hace 5 years
I don't view the brim as helping by increasing the radius of...

En el foro Assembly and first prints troubleshooting

hace 5 years
When you looked at the printer description, did it say it ca...

En el foro General discussion, announcements and releases

hace 5 years
Just to be clear - do you mean the extruder servo is continu...

En el foro Hardware, firmware and software help

hace 5 years
Your Y axis is apparently hitting - something. Check for any...

En el foro Assembly and first prints troubleshooting

hace 5 years
Base Pi 4 goes for $35 (still), with 1 GB of ram. If your ti...

En el foro User mods - OctoPrint, enclosures, nozzles, ...

hace 5 years
And that great bugaboo - use a brim. On big structures like ...

En el foro Assembly and first prints troubleshooting

hace 5 years
I certainly like that one. Read both the article and the com...

En el foro General discussion, announcements and releases

hace 5 years
There is at least one good article on how to grease your bea...

En el foro General discussion, announcements and releases

hace 5 years
This may need some discussion. My rods are clean and dry - a...

En el foro General discussion, announcements and releases

hace 5 years
There certainly is one, although Tim dislikes it: I would l...

En el foro Assembly and first prints troubleshooting

hace 5 years
Thingiverse also has a nice bearing lub cap for the Superlub...

En el foro General discussion, announcements and releases

hace 5 years
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