Is there a specific name for the E3D style connectors? Are h... Im Forum Hardware, firmware and software help |
Vor 5 years |
Smooth and textured surfaces are different thicknesses, and ... Im Forum Assembly and first prints troubleshooting |
Vor 5 years |
While it is printing, slowly lower the Z (make it more negat... Im Forum Assembly and first prints troubleshooting |
Vor 5 years |
@Bobstro - what is your opinion of heater and thermistor con... Im Forum Hardware, firmware and software help |
Vor 5 years |
Last one of these I saw I think the heater wire had a bad co... Im Forum Hardware, firmware and software help |
Vor 5 years |
The EShop only shows you parts if you are a registered owner... Im Forum Hardware, firmware and software help |
Vor 5 years |
Scrub your bed (whatever it is) with hot water and unscented... Im Forum How do I print this? (Printing help) |
Vor 5 years |
Here are the E3D instructions for the V6. Start at Step 3, a... Im Forum Hardware, firmware and software help |
Vor 5 years |
"Replaced it as best you could"... The nozzle is one of thos... Im Forum Hardware, firmware and software help |
Vor 5 years |
Different strokes for different folks. I am glad he found so... Im Forum Hardware, firmware and software help |
Vor 5 years |
I consider E3D to be a trusted supplier. You might check out... Im Forum Hardware, firmware and software help |
Vor 5 years |
Did you remove the nozzle? How did you reinstall it? Did you... Im Forum Hardware, firmware and software help |
Vor 5 years |
Take a look at directions for removing the PTFE tube. It is ... Im Forum Hardware, firmware and software help |
Vor 5 years |
Well this is the writeup I point everyone to. Make it throug... Im Forum Assembly and first prints troubleshooting |
Vor 5 years |
Good clarification! Thanks! Im Forum Hardware, firmware and software help |
Vor 5 years |
You are not the only one to question this. Read the comments... Im Forum Assembly and first prints troubleshooting |
Vor 5 years |
Here is a general link to LCD life times: Facebook is only ... Im Forum Hardware, firmware and software help |
Vor 5 years |
For chemical inertness I would look at nylon. It is high tem... Im Forum How do I print this? (Printing help) |
Vor 5 years |
Be careful with those U Bolts, also known as the Bolts of De... Im Forum General discussion, announcements and releases |
Vor 5 years |
I love it when a cause actually explains the symptoms! Good ... Im Forum Hardware, firmware and software help |
Vor 5 years |