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Grupa: Zarejestrowany
Dołączył: 2021/12/27
Active Member
Good input burtronix, ty. You sound as much like an engineer... | 3 years temu | |
That makes sense. Thanks Clemens. | 3 years temu | |
Cold Shock Damaging to Satin Powder Coated Sheet | 3 years temu | |
I've done a bit more experimentation and I'm starting to sus... | 3 years temu | |
Expected Dimensional Accuracy | 3 years temu | |
OK, figured out that lower temp and slower speed got me a go... | 3 years temu | |
Yes, the problem is with the stem. It ended up all distorted... | 3 years temu | |
Newbie first project with PC problem | 3 years temu |