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Grupa: Zarejestrowany
Dołączył: 2018/02/15
Trusted Member
Thanks! I'll give it a shot and report back. I have a big ...

In forum How do I print this? (Printing help)

5 years temu
It sounds like a Dawn and water scrub is in order between pr...

In forum How do I print this? (Printing help)

5 years temu
Ghosting on surface of PETG

In forum How do I print this? (Printing help)

5 years temu
Definitely used the eject method. The first time it happene...

In forum PrusaSlicer

6 years temu
Read Only Bug

In forum PrusaSlicer

6 years temu
Building Pursa Slicer from source code on 32 bit linux

In forum PrusaSlicer

6 years temu
32 Bit Linux install

In forum PrusaSlicer

6 years temu
I agree, but for the use I had in mind, strength wasn't an i...

In forum PrusaSlicer

6 years temu
The slice that I zoomed in on is it laying on its side.

In forum PrusaSlicer

6 years temu
That would be good information to include, wouldn't it? 2.0...

In forum PrusaSlicer

6 years temu
Here's the generated Gcode, but I changed the extension to a...

In forum PrusaSlicer

6 years temu
Here's the STL, but I changed the extension to allow it to p...

In forum PrusaSlicer

6 years temu
Support floating in space

In forum PrusaSlicer

6 years temu
New info on display during print...Where do I read about it?

In forum Hardware, firmware and software help

6 years temu
Weird support anomoly

In forum PrusaSlicer

6 years temu
I know I broke it. It was working fine, and then I installe...

In forum Hardware, firmware and software help

7 years temu
I have a soft wire brush that I use to clean off the print h...

In forum Hardware, firmware and software help

7 years temu
I'm sorry about that. It showed up in preview, so I thought...

In forum Hardware, firmware and software help

7 years temu
Did I break my filament sensor

In forum Hardware, firmware and software help

7 years temu
Strona 4 / 4