Podle mně je zásadní kolik je za to ochoten zákazník zaplati... Nel forum Jak to vytisknu? (Pomoc s tiskem) |
2 months fa |
Ok, I found it. Fr the others they do not know. When you fir... Nel forum General discussion & User Experience & Ideas |
6 months fa |
Where to load prusa_printer_settings.ini Nel forum General discussion & User Experience & Ideas |
6 months fa |
You can try to use a dummy print with command heating the be... Nel forum Hardware, firmware and software help |
8 months fa |
Zkus pridat teplotu, nektere termistory mohou kecat a ty tis... Nel forum Hardware, firmware a software (Pomoc) |
8 months fa |
To bys koukal jak poskakuje kulicka pri pruchodu filamentu. ... Nel forum Hardware, firmware a software (Pomoc) |
8 months fa |
Pokud to byl ojedinělý pripad, muze jit o to, ze tryska nara... Nel forum Obecná diskuze, oznámení a novinky |
8 months fa |
Teoeticky bys musel v prusasliceru rozrezat model v miste vy... Nel forum Obecná diskuze, oznámení a novinky |
8 months fa |
Prodam stavebnici tiskarny MK3S + Nel forum Obecná diskuze, oznámení a novinky |
8 months fa |
Ahoj, zkusíme postupně.
Bavíme se o ventilátoru který j... Nel forum Složení tiskárny a řešení potíží s prvním tiskem |
10 months fa |
No way! For uneven sheet corrections, you need to get a pict... Nel forum Hardware, firmware and software help |
11 months fa |
Fully agree. It is leaving the requested temp... Nel forum Hardware, firmware and software help |
12 months fa |
The bad temperature influences the print adhesion. To get th... Nel forum General discussion, announcements and releases |
12 months fa |
Not sure what the discussion about percentages are, but in t... Nel forum General discussion, announcements and releases |
12 months fa |
From the screen it is obvious, that the FS is ON, ie. it sti... Nel forum Hardware, firmware and software help |
12 months fa |
Could be I am blind, but I did not find whether the error co... Nel forum Hardware, firmware and software help |
12 months fa |
clicking from the extruder you can verify via Control/ Move ... Nel forum Hardware, firmware and software help |
12 months fa |
Next time a screen photo would be much helpful. Nel forum Hardware, firmware and software help |
12 months fa |
This everything can be the combination of all of them. When ... Nel forum Hardware, firmware and software help |
12 months fa |
Nevertheless the current mk4 fw stil does not work with MMU3... Nel forum Hardware, firmware and software help |
12 months fa |