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Neil Ramsay
Neil Ramsay
Gruppo: Registrato
Registrato: 2018/07/13
Eminent Member
Thanks. I'll check that. It's very odd. Are there replacem...

Nel forum Hardware, firmware and software help

6 years fa
Idler tolerance issues on the mk3 (R3 extruder)

Nel forum Hardware, firmware and software help

6 years fa
I'll be printing the levers in black, but all the rest in tr...

Nel forum Assembly and first prints troubleshooting

6 years fa
MK3S print colour

Nel forum Assembly and first prints troubleshooting

6 years fa
I'd be willing to design/build my own if the firmware didn't...

Nel forum Improvements (Archive)

6 years fa
The only business I've ever run failed in a few years, so I ...

Nel forum General discussion, announcements and releases

6 years fa
Well my extruder is now in pieces due to having run out of p...

Nel forum General discussion, announcements and releases

6 years fa
All told, you have to factor in a markup for customisation a...

Nel forum General discussion, announcements and releases

6 years fa
It happens with PLA and PETG. And the motor is strong enough...

Nel forum General discussion, announcements and releases

6 years fa
Extruder clicking and the variable PTFE tubing...

Nel forum General discussion, announcements and releases

6 years fa
My motor was getting insanely hot, so I replaced it with a m...

Nel forum General discussion, announcements and releases

6 years fa
I crimped on a good connector, cleaned the connector termina...

Nel forum Hardware, firmware and software help

6 years fa
it's difficult to do post mortem by photo... best wishes...

Nel forum Hardware, firmware and software help

6 years fa
I am 100% sure this cable was connected well before I unscre...

Nel forum Hardware, firmware and software help

6 years fa
Also, the "green" on the terminal and conductor is an indica...

Nel forum Hardware, firmware and software help

6 years fa
Seems odd that it would be the exact same cable on each with...

Nel forum Hardware, firmware and software help

6 years fa
Here you can see the melting at the board connector for the ...

Nel forum Hardware, firmware and software help

6 years fa
Melted cable at Einsy end

Nel forum Hardware, firmware and software help

6 years fa
the bondtech isn't slipping on the shaft is it? I've had se...

Nel forum Assembly and first prints troubleshooting

6 years fa
What causes this kind of layer issue?

Nel forum Assembly and first prints troubleshooting

6 years fa
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