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Gruppe: Registriert
Beigetreten: 2019/12/24
Active Member
Interesting that the last post was deleted. I'm seeing a tre... Im Forum PrusaSlicer |
Vor 4 years | |
No, background is off, and I'm seeing the spinner with the b... Im Forum PrusaSlicer |
Vor 5 years | |
So far preference purge has not appeared to help much with t... Im Forum PrusaSlicer |
Vor 5 years | |
I'm going too try purging my preferences completely. Im Forum PrusaSlicer |
Vor 5 years | |
Actually version 2.1 release version seems even worse. 🧐 🤔 Im Forum PrusaSlicer |
Vor 5 years | |
Slow interface? Im Forum PrusaSlicer |
Vor 5 years |