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Milos V.
Milos V.
Grupo: Registrado
Registrado: 2016/11/06
Prominent Member
My original MK2 power supply is switchable between 230 and 1...

En el foro Assembly and first prints troubleshooting

hace 6 years
I would say that all methods could be helpful, however it wo...

En el foro Hardware, firmware and software help

hace 6 years
Reduce the max fan speed in Slic3r for the filament you are ...

En el foro General discussion, announcements and releases

hace 6 years
Common problem many times discussed. Silicon sock is best so...

En el foro Assembly and first prints troubleshooting

hace 6 years
It can be, I have still the original E3D v6 from MK2, not su...

En el foro Hardware, firmware and software help

hace 6 years
I am dealing with clicking sound (not just sounds, it really...

En el foro Hardware, firmware and software help

hace 6 years
I strongly recommend as well the "soap and water trick" it s...

En el foro Hardware, firmware and software help

hace 6 years
Try to re-flash the firmware and make the whole calibration ...

En el foro Assembly and first prints troubleshooting

hace 6 years
You wrote you adjusted PINDA according to manual. Have you a...

En el foro Assembly and first prints troubleshooting

hace 6 years
I would say that the thermistor (temperature senzor) is not ...

En el foro Assembly and first prints troubleshooting

hace 6 years
PID calibration is good to make after you put the sock on. T...

En el foro Assembly and first prints troubleshooting

hace 6 years
Flashed and test print is running. So far so good 🙂 Bed le...

En el foro Hardware, firmware and software help

hace 6 years
No buď se ti kolečko "protáčí" tzn. je povolen šroubek (červ...

En el foro Jak to vytisknu? (Pomoc s tiskem)

hace 6 years
Tak bohužel musím konstatovat, že ani po upgradu na MK2.5S s...

En el foro Jak to vytisknu? (Pomoc s tiskem)

hace 6 years
Sure you can slow down the fan. Or I would recomend the sili...

En el foro Assembly and first prints troubleshooting

hace 6 years
That Endstop-block goes directly to the x axis end stop swit...

En el foro Assembly and first prints troubleshooting

hace 6 years
Check if you did not miss Step 65 Endstop-block assembly

En el foro Assembly and first prints troubleshooting

hace 6 years
Is not the magnetic heated bed with steel sheet plates neces...

En el foro Hardware, firmware and software help

hace 6 years
Já mám od začátku hladký PEI, jsem v principu spokojen. Taky...

En el foro Obecná diskuze, oznámení a novinky

hace 6 years
I would gues that all the coming issues are most probably re...

En el foro General discussion, announcements and releases

hace 6 years
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