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M.J. Caboose
M.J. Caboose
Grupo: Registrado
Registrado: 2019/08/03
Trusted Member
When logged in, you should be able to see the edit button fo...

En el foro Hardware, firmware and software help

hace 6 months
I also had it from time to time ... I only see the way of cl...

En el foro Hardware, firmware and software help

hace 6 months
You're taking the word out of my soul ...In the meantime I a...

En el foro Hardware, firmware and software help

hace 6 months
I do not have proof of it, but I am afraid it looks more lik...

En el foro Hardware, firmware and software help

hace 7 months
And that is what my experience is as well ... but WHY? ... I...

En el foro Hardware, firmware and software help

hace 1 year
I also have the issue ... I currently run the Alpha firmware...

En el foro Hardware, firmware and software help

hace 1 year
I have a similar issue ... I have two theories for the probl...

En el foro Hardware, firmware and software help

hace 1 year
I had a similar issue ... I had one nozzle torn down slightl...

En el foro How do I print this? (Printing help)

hace 1 year
I checked all those things .. gCode .. Pully .. I also had s...

En el foro How do I print this? (Printing help)

hace 1 year
But this was for the time beeing my last big figure print .....

En el foro How do I print this? (Printing help)

hace 1 year
Reduced temperature seems to be the key here ... Retraction ...

En el foro How do I print this? (Printing help)

hace 1 year
Yes ... I might do so ... I wanted to publish a couple of my...

En el foro How do I print this? (Printing help)

hace 1 year
Yes .. retraction when parked ... You're right ... that help...

En el foro How do I print this? (Printing help)

hace 1 year
In my print the surfaces look quite decent ... so I am happy...

En el foro How do I print this? (Printing help)

hace 1 year
Well ... finally ... I got a pleasing result ...But: The set...

En el foro How do I print this? (Printing help)

hace 1 year
Cool ... it is comming up 🙂 ... But since I have still some...

En el foro How do I print this? (Printing help)

hace 1 year
Update on my support call after I came through in chat after...

En el foro How do I print this? (Printing help)

hace 1 year
I full understand cooling down the nozzles after some time ....

En el foro How do I print this? (Printing help)

hace 1 year
Ok ... even more frustrated in the meantime ...It took me qu...

En el foro How do I print this? (Printing help)

hace 1 year
Ok ... so it seems to be a general SW or HW issue and not sp...

En el foro Hardware, firmware and software help

hace 1 year
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