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Group: Registered
Joined: 2021/02/24
Eminent Member
Hallo Eef Erneut vielen Dank fuer deine Zeilen. Ich habe dei...

In forum Allgemeine Diskussion, Ankündigungen und Veröffentlichungen

2 months ago
Hallo Eef Vielen Dank fuer diese Infos. Den Druck in XY un...

In forum Allgemeine Diskussion, Ankündigungen und Veröffentlichungen

2 months ago
Hallo Eef Vielen Dank fuer diese wertvolle Info. Ich habe ...

In forum Allgemeine Diskussion, Ankündigungen und Veröffentlichungen

2 months ago
PA6 Glasfaser - Filament so stabil wie Spritzguss?

In forum Allgemeine Diskussion, Ankündigungen und Veröffentlichungen

2 months ago
Thanks to Diem and his posted link I could find out that the...

In forum Hardware, firmware and software help

8 months ago
Dark colored material drops from nozzle

In forum Hardware, firmware and software help

8 months ago
_KaszpiR_: The metal brush was the answer. Thank you very mu...

In forum Hardware, firmware and software help

10 months ago
Thank you so much, Diem.By searching for the word *blob* I f...

In forum Hardware, firmware and software help

10 months ago
Thank you a lot in advance. Soldering iron was already in ...

In forum Hardware, firmware and software help

10 months ago
Huge bulp of PETG sticks around the nozzle

In forum Hardware, firmware and software help

11 months ago
fuchsr: Thank you for your feedback. Prusa-Team: Please care...

In forum Hardware, firmware and software help

1 year ago
Remaining print time shown in display

In forum Hardware, firmware and software help

1 year ago
601 does not work

In forum General discussion, announcements and releases

1 year ago
Adding M601 ( pause printing) does not work

In forum Input Shaper (MK4)

1 year ago
What I found out: In Input Shaping Mode the accuracy of the ...

In forum Input Shaper (MK4)

1 year ago
Today I installed the Input Shaper thing. ( Firmware, Slicer...

In forum Input Shaper (MK4)

1 year ago
It took me some time to upload all the necessary files.Prusa...

In forum Input Shaper (MK4)

1 year ago
Hallo ForumDa wir noch auf die Teile von Prusa warten, haben...

In forum Hardware, firmware and software help

2 years ago
Hallo :-)Nachdem ich nochmals in aller Ruhe die FAQ zur Fehl...

In forum Hardware, firmware and software help

2 years ago
Hallo Karl Ich habe mir das soeben angeschaut. Eine weltweit...

In forum Hardware, firmware and software help

2 years ago
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