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Grupa: Zarejestrowany
Dołączył: 2016/05/03
Trusted Member
Just got mine on Friday 😀

In forum Others (Archive)

8 years temu
Curious if anyone has done this for the Mk2 now that the bed...

In forum Prusa i3 kit (Archive)

8 years temu
Hi Vojtech! Thank you for the response - I did drive the ...

In forum Prusa i3 kit (Archive)

8 years temu
Only things i can think of are that either your probe is loo...

In forum Assembly and first prints troubleshooting

8 years temu
I saw something similar to that on my print last night and t...

In forum Others (Archive)

8 years temu
Bent PINDA mount

In forum Prusa i3 kit (Archive)

8 years temu
My guess is that he's planning to use the Prusa Super Switch...

In forum Others (Archive)

8 years temu
Patrik - i had the exact same problem when i first got my Mk...

In forum Print tips (Archive)

8 years temu
For the T-glase try using the PET setting, for Bridge and PC...

In forum Others (Archive)

8 years temu
Can't print skirts with S3D with new firmware

In forum Print tips (Archive)

8 years temu
I also had trouble updating the first time, my hotend was st...

In forum Others (Archive)

8 years temu
Unfortunately, Simplify3d doesn't have an option to select "...

In forum General discussion, announcements and releases

8 years temu
Just wanted to follow up and mention that PR shipped me a re...

In forum Hardware, firmware and software help

8 years temu
Err...the material does NOT need to be magnetic, rather need...

In forum Hardware, firmware and software help

9 years temu
Assuming the probe can detect the points in the bed through ...

In forum Hardware, firmware and software help

9 years temu
Nigel - I connected the PINDA probe to the Y-endstop pins on...

In forum Hardware, firmware and software help

9 years temu
I swapped the PINDA with another endstop and still didn't ge...

In forum Hardware, firmware and software help

9 years temu
PINDA Probe Failure

In forum Hardware, firmware and software help

9 years temu
I made a sub-reddit that we can use to submit and keep track...

In forum Print tips (Archive)

9 years temu
I've created a new sub-reddit for those of you on Reddit so ...

In forum General discussion, announcements and releases

9 years temu
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