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Gruppe: Registriert
Beigetreten: 2019/06/16
Reputable Member
Worked for my test. Skeptical? Here is my test project. I wa...

Im Forum PrusaSlicer

Vor 5 years
I just created a 30 mm tall cylinder, imported into PrusaSli...

Im Forum PrusaSlicer

Vor 5 years
I ran into a similar issue and finally found out my objects ...

Im Forum PrusaSlicer

Vor 5 years
Hi Jason. As Neophyl stated, the MBL is done by the PINDA pr...

Im Forum Hardware, firmware and software help

Vor 5 years
I have found that since fixing the 'root' cause of adhesion,...

Im Forum General discussion, announcements and releases

Vor 5 years
Don't know where you are, But I can't find anything in BC. F...

Im Forum Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Vor 5 years
RE: COVID-19 3D printing resources thread

Im Forum Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Vor 5 years
Printer is up and cranking out prints. First layer comes out...

Im Forum Prusa i3 kit (Archive)

Vor 5 years
Your pictures are all there. When looking at the page, click...

Im Forum General discussion, announcements and releases

Vor 5 years
Thanks for the picture. I usually don't use text in my print...

Im Forum Assembly and first prints troubleshooting

Vor 5 years
🙂 🙃 🙂 Me, on the other hand, rotating images gets me in trou...

Im Forum General discussion, announcements and releases

Vor 5 years
Just out of curiosity: Are you using your phone to take the ...

Im Forum General discussion, announcements and releases

Vor 5 years
We need more in formation to be able to assist you. Are you ...

Im Forum Assembly and first prints troubleshooting

Vor 5 years
Things I would want to check or try: Try loosening the screw...

Im Forum General discussion, announcements and releases

Vor 5 years
If it wasn't for this Topic, my inbox would be empty. 😀 PLA...

Im Forum How do I print this? (Printing help)

Vor 5 years
@daniel-mihailescu You did help. Without you asking, some pe...

Im Forum How do I print this? (Printing help)

Vor 5 years
@chocki as usual, thanks for your insights and links ( excep...

Im Forum Prusa i3 kit (Archive)

Vor 5 years
@karl-herbert Cool. If you have replaced your thermistor wir...

Im Forum Hardware, firmware and software help

Vor 5 years
The fastest route to the PrusaSlicer developers is through ...

Im Forum PrusaSlicer

Vor 5 years
I just happened to stumble on a developers thread on this to...

Im Forum Hardware, firmware and software help

Vor 5 years
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