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Registrato: 2021/03/06
Eminent Member
Worse yet is after this all red screen error occurs, the pri...

Nel forum General discussion, announcements and releases

2 weeks fa
Extruder Error(s) after 6.2.0

Nel forum General discussion, announcements and releases

2 weeks fa
...and then it doesn't show the cool picture of the item whi...

Nel forum General discussion, announcements and releases

11 months fa
I'm using this part at the base, but I'm curious if using a ...

Nel forum Assembly and first prints troubleshooting

11 months fa
Prusa 3D printing price calculator does not calc .bgcode fil...

Nel forum General discussion, announcements and releases

11 months fa
Thanks, I debated with myself and Prusa live chat if those w...

Nel forum Assembly and first prints troubleshooting

1 year fa
This was on a semi-assembled printer, that wire in the pictu...

Nel forum Assembly and first prints troubleshooting

1 year fa
Assembly issue with ground wire in the way of XL splitter bo...

Nel forum Assembly and first prints troubleshooting

1 year fa
Problem with dock wipe thing (the one with the orange silico...

Nel forum Assembly and first prints troubleshooting

1 year fa
MK4 kit love board broken connector

Nel forum Assembly and first prints troubleshooting

1 year fa
I connected a short USB extension cable to the printer's USB...

Nel forum Hardware, firmware and software help

1 year fa
I would suggest you insert the USB stick into a computer, co...

Nel forum Hardware, firmware and software help

1 year fa
Just confirming I have the same "problem" on 5.0.0-RC - uplo...

Nel forum Hardware, firmware and software help

2 years fa
Did it on the stock 4.7.2, tried 5.0.0-alpha3, and currently...

Nel forum Hardware, firmware and software help

2 years fa
MK4 Power Panic Issue - Can't boot

Nel forum Hardware, firmware and software help

2 years fa
I found it easier to just remove the left side window, and a...

Nel forum General discussion, announcements and releases

2 years fa
I've also had this problem - was removing the tube and feedi...

Nel forum Assembly and troubleshooting

2 years fa
If you can't wait and want to make your own PSU Quick Releas...

Nel forum General discussion, announcements and releases

2 years fa
If anyone is interested in a DIY version of the PSU quick re...

Nel forum General discussion, announcements and releases

2 years fa
Ok, so here's how I solved it... Printing from OctoPrint vs....

Nel forum Assembly and troubleshooting

2 years fa
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