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Josef Průša
Josef Průša
Gruppo: Amministratore
Registrato: 2015/04/26
Titolo: Utenti Admin
Hi, I am glad to hear that build was smooth 🙂 When I saw h...

Nel forum Prusa i3 kit (Archive)

10 years fa
S tou retrakcí to dává smysl. Tohle má bohužel trošku neefik...

Nel forum Stavebnice Prusa i3 (Archiv)

10 years fa
Jsem rád, že vše funguje tak jak má. Kdybychom mohli poradit...

Nel forum Stavebnice Prusa i3 (Archiv)

10 years fa
Tryska bude mírně zacpaná. 💡 Ideální je vzít tenký d...

Nel forum Rady k tisku (Archiv)

10 years fa
Stačí motory zapojit obráceně. Z pohledu na fotce pak budou ...

Nel forum Stavebnice Prusa i3 (Archiv)

10 years fa
Wiring seems fine. Can you check the fuses?

Nel forum Prusa i3 kit (Archive)

10 years fa
Did you connect the extruder fan correctly? It should start ...

Nel forum Prusa i3 kit (Archive)

10 years fa
Zvoneček je velice inovativní řešení 💡

Nel forum Nápady na zlepšení (Archiv)

10 years fa
Couldn't find it myself. A lot of things in Marlin is hardco...

Nel forum Software (Archive)

10 years fa
Please contact our support at [email protected] In case somet...

Nel forum Prusa i3 kit (Archive)

10 years fa
This is a great example of fixing things at home. I will sho...

Nel forum Awesome prints (Hall Of Fame)

10 years fa
Just be careful and don't let them chew it. After some chewi...

Nel forum Print tips (Archive)

10 years fa
PLA is usually more forgiving to printbed preparation. You c...

Nel forum Print tips (Archive)

10 years fa
Nathanial is right, can you upload a picture of the board wi...

Nel forum Prusa i3 kit (Archive)

10 years fa
Yes, this way the connector is secured 🙂

Nel forum Prusa i3 kit (Archive)

10 years fa
This seems like you have hotend thermistor pluged into heatb...

Nel forum Prusa i3 kit (Archive)

10 years fa
Is the glass sheet completely flat? I have never seen warped...

Nel forum Prusa i3 kit (Archive)

10 years fa
Slic3r toto bohužel neumí. Tisk je možné pozastavit z LCD me...

Nel forum Nápady na zlepšení (Archiv)

10 years fa
Dobry vecer, seznam G-codu je na vcetne jejich podpory ruzn...

Nel forum Stavebnice Prusa i3 (Archiv)

10 years fa
Simplify3D neni vsespasne, mam ho koupene a urcite nefunguji...

Nel forum Rady k tisku (Archiv)

10 years fa
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