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Josef Průša
Josef Průša
Grupa: Admin
Dołączył: 2015/04/26
Tytuł: Member Admin
Can you post a screenshot of the slicer filament settings yo...

In forum Print tips (Archive)

9 years temu
Did you secured the wire harness on the back of the x-carria...

In forum Prusa i3 kit (Archive)

9 years temu
Thank you for kind words 🙂 I am forwarding this to my team...

In forum Prusa i3 kit (Archive)

9 years temu
Moc hezke! Urcite nahravejte dalsi fotky 🙂

In forum Nejlepší výtisky & tiskové tipy

9 years temu
Dobry den, kdyz koukam na ten model obalu telefonu, tak to s...

In forum Rady k tisku (Archiv)

9 years temu
Jak máte nachystanou podložku? Určitě bych zkontroloval i vz...

In forum Rady k tisku (Archiv)

9 years temu
Preheat the ozzle for the temps you want, then try turning o...

In forum Print tips (Archive)

9 years temu

In forum Rady k tisku (Archiv)

9 years temu
Hi, what Slic3r you use? Does it work with the default setti...

In forum Print tips (Archive)

9 years temu
If you have random appearance of MAXTEMPS, also check if you...

In forum Prusa i3 kit (Archive)

9 years temu
Od ovladačů 1.6.0 je v 3D Objektech pripraveny G-code Adalin...

In forum Rady k tisku (Archiv)

9 years temu
V ovladačích je nová utilita FirmwareUpdater a pro všechny v...

In forum Software (Archiv)

9 years temu
You are using the 3mm Slic3r for 1.75mm printer.

In forum Prusa i3 kit (Archive)

9 years temu
Yes, the printer will HOME all the axes before it starts to ...

In forum Prusa i3 kit (Archive)

9 years temu
Is the temperature unstable? Feel free to fiddle with firm...

In forum Prusa i3 kit (Archive)

9 years temu
Oh sweet 🙂 What materials did you use for those prints?

In forum Awesome prints (Hall Of Fame)

9 years temu
To use the stainless steel nozzle, you just unscrew the bras...

In forum Prusa i3 kit (Archive)

9 years temu
Moc hezke! 😉

In forum Nejlepší výtisky & tiskové tipy

9 years temu
Kalené tyče nicemu nepomuzou. Antivibracni podlozka pro nem...

In forum Stavebnice Prusa i3 (Archiv)

9 years temu
Ventilátor je pro ABS vypnutý, způsobí kroucení objektu a sp...

In forum Stavebnice Prusa i3 (Archiv)

9 years temu
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