Ja se snazil vyuzit te moznosti "Auto-configure for print qu... Nel forum Rady k tisku (Archiv) |
9 years fa |
Nejdriv bych zkontroloval jestli je tryska dostatecne utazen... Nel forum Rady k tisku (Archiv) |
9 years fa |
Simplify3D settings Nel forum Print tips (Archive) |
9 years fa |
Nastavení pro Simplify3D Nel forum Rady k tisku (Archiv) |
9 years fa |
Please recheck the fuses on the RAMBo, I never seen fully bl... Nel forum Prusa i3 kit (Archive) |
9 years fa |
I bet you don't have the belt pulley tight enough on the rod... Nel forum Prusa i3 kit (Archive) |
9 years fa |
Ale problém už nevyzerá byt v skle 🙄 Ono sa zohne len ... Nel forum Stavebnice Prusa i3 (Archiv) |
9 years fa |
Nechci zakládat zbytečné vlákno, tak můj dotaz položím sem. ... Nel forum Stavebnice Prusa i3 (Archiv) |
9 years fa |
Dakujem, ale podla toho co som nastudoval, tak ta verzia s k... Nel forum Stavebnice Prusa i3 (Archiv) |
9 years fa |
Ahoj, poté, co jsem rozebral celou hlavu, tak jsem zkoušel i... Nel forum Stavebnice Prusa i3 (Archiv) |
9 years fa |
Thread se nám rozrostl a trochu me mrzi, ze pri cestach jsem... Nel forum Stavebnice Prusa i3 (Archiv) |
9 years fa |
1. Je-li uz tam RAMBo mini tak je mozne pouzit normalni FW p... Nel forum Software (Archiv) |
9 years fa |
Alway post a picture of the failed print, this way we can he... Nel forum Print tips (Archive) |
9 years fa |
💡 💡 💡 💡 💡
roman.t is right, so... Nel forum Print tips (Archive) |
9 years fa |
Aluminium bed is very easy to bend or too heavy.
Hairspray... Nel forum Print tips (Archive) |
9 years fa |
Hi, yes it should 🙂 You can check in the support menu opti... Nel forum Prusa i3 kit (Archive) |
9 years fa |
Peter, did you manage to measure the resistance as I asked i... Nel forum Prusa i3 kit (Archive) |
9 years fa |
There is no heatshrink on the X motors 😯
Do you mea... Nel forum Prusa i3 kit (Archive) |
9 years fa |
This is called warping. Be sure not to touch the printbed be... Nel forum Awesome prints (Hall Of Fame) |
9 years fa |
Je třeba víc informací
STL nebo alespoň screenshot
Použité n... Nel forum Stavebnice Prusa i3 (Archiv) |
9 years fa |