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Josef Průša
Josef Průša
Gruppo: Amministratore
Registrato: 2015/04/26
Titolo: Utenti Admin
Hi Patrick, can you please make a video of the printer whil...

Nel forum Others (Archive)

9 years fa
Nope, this is clearly a glitch. Printer needs to do 9 point ...

Nel forum Others (Archive)

9 years fa
Simplify3D tisková nastavení (14. července 2016)

Nel forum Ostatní (Archiv)

9 years fa
Can you please upload the full g-codes?

Nel forum Others (Archive)

9 years fa
Simplify3D (S3D) settings for the Original Prusa i3 printers

Nel forum General discussion, announcements and releases

9 years fa
Hi, all files are on our github now 🙂 Are you printing a...

Nel forum Others (Archive)

9 years fa
Awesome, I will make a quick video tomorrow about the new ca...

Nel forum Others (Archive)

9 years fa
Udelali jsme snazsi V2 kalibraci. Je popsana v hlavnim topi...

Nel forum Stavebnice Prusa i3 (Archiv)

9 years fa
Hello, I am very sorry for any inconvenience. Please email u...

Nel forum Others (Archive)

9 years fa
Ahoj, po stavbě MK2 se mi nedaří zkalibrovat osu Z. Kalibrac...

Nel forum Stavebnice Prusa i3 (Archiv)

9 years fa
Obcas se u nekterych tisku zbytecne zpomaly tisk diky minima...

Nel forum Stavebnice Prusa i3 (Archiv)

9 years fa
Do you think I can use this kit on a prusa steel? Unless yo...

Nel forum Prusa i3 kit (Archive)

9 years fa
WOW 😯 ! Zeptám se rovnou tady. Nechcete k nám do týmu ...

Nel forum Nejlepší výtisky & tiskové tipy

9 years fa
Everything you need to know about MK2! (NEW Drivers & F...

Nel forum Others (Archive)

9 years fa
Vše co potřebujete vědět o MK2 (NOVÉ Drivery a FW 7.6.)

Nel forum Ostatní (Archiv)

9 years fa
Nove buildy jsou v ovladacich 1.7.X 🙂 V uplne poslednich ...

Nel forum Software (Archiv)

9 years fa
Ta hnusna zabicka mi tam utekla omylem, kdyz jsem balil driv...

Nel forum Stavebnice Prusa i3 (Archiv)

9 years fa
Hi guys, the probe needs to be higher than the nozzle. If b...

Nel forum Prusa i3 kit (Archive)

9 years fa
Nechcete s nami spolupracovat na foceni vytisknutych objektu...

Nel forum Stavebnice Prusa i3 (Archiv)

9 years fa
Prave jsem updatoval ovladace na 1.7.1 Do konce vikendu bu...

Nel forum Stavebnice Prusa i3 (Archiv)

9 years fa
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