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Grupa: Zarejestrowany
Dołączył: 2017/07/16
Active Member
my order Edited by Joan.t (moderator) to p... | 7 years temu | |
Crazy story | 7 years temu | |
This evening, returning from work, without touching any sett... In forum Others (Archive) |
8 years temu | |
Ok, Last night, I left the printer, while I had an impressio... In forum Others (Archive) |
8 years temu | |
Ok so, y adjust my live Z was around -0.4 extruder 26° (11h... In forum Others (Archive) |
8 years temu | |
Many tank JeffJordan for your help, ok but the Temp Cal is O... In forum Others (Archive) |
8 years temu | |
Wait with friends !
My printer is new, it does not change p... In forum Others (Archive) |
8 years temu | |
Live Z change every time :-((( In forum Others (Archive) |
8 years temu |