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Grupa: Zarejestrowany
Dołączył: 2025/02/19
Active Member
I also volunteer to test/evaluate building the kit. As a ( u... | 3 days temu | |
I'm a leftie but my only handicap is not knowing when my Cor... | 1 week temu | |
ehhm, I ordered a kit on Feb 19th from Prusa's website (I'm ... | 2 weeks temu | |
Wow! are those tiny stepper motors or is it controlled by th... In forum Awesome prints (Hall Of Fame) |
2 weeks temu | |
Disassembly video | 2 weeks temu | |
Kit or assembled ? | 3 weeks temu | |
first post I just ordered five minutes ago. I had my first... | 4 weeks temu |