New Prusa SLA printer (SL1S) + SL1 upgrade path announced Im Forum General discussion, announcements and releases |
Vor 4 years |
I complained a day too early:/p> Which includes:/p> My take ... Im Forum General discussion, announcements and releases |
Vor 4 years |
If you have not bought an SL1 yet, under no circumstances sh... Im Forum General discussion, announcements and releases |
Vor 4 years |
Are you sure those are layer lines? If it was positioned lik... Im Forum How do I print this? (Printing help) |
Vor 4 years |
Probably not. It's probably just not available at that layer... Im Forum Hardware, firmware and software help |
Vor 4 years |
I wouldn't expect an answer from Prusa here, but the good ne... Im Forum Hardware, firmware and software help |
Vor 4 years |
I have done a little with eSun's eResin-Flex. It smells terr... Im Forum General discussion, announcements and releases |
Vor 4 years |
Yeap. It the only reason I still have mine even though I rar... Im Forum General discussion, announcements and releases |
Vor 4 years |
Yeah I think it is overpriced too (but not as bad), but I lo... Im Forum General discussion, announcements and releases |
Vor 4 years |
That is probably a much more realistic price for the bundle,... Im Forum General discussion, announcements and releases |
Vor 4 years |
Whoa. Those times are way too low. Honestly I'm surprised th... Im Forum Assembly and first prints troubleshooting |
Vor 4 years |
Don't be hasty about it. It is definitely a learning experie... Im Forum Assembly and first prints troubleshooting |
Vor 4 years |
Interesting to know about Filamatrix as I'm also in VA. It's... Im Forum General discussion, announcements and releases |
Vor 4 years |
How big is that model? It doesn't look big enough to need su... Im Forum Assembly and first prints troubleshooting |
Vor 4 years |
Glad to hear. Unfortunately there are those that don't under... Im Forum Assembly and first prints troubleshooting |
Vor 4 years |
Yes they got the SL1 through the purchase of another company... Im Forum General discussion, announcements and releases |
Vor 4 years |
I know temps can effect prints and that some resins are more... Im Forum Assembly and first prints troubleshooting |
Vor 4 years |
Buying a SL1 at this point is a terrible decision. Prusa has... Im Forum General discussion, announcements and releases |
Vor 4 years |
Please tell us that you are speaking metaphorically and you ... Im Forum Assembly and first prints troubleshooting |
Vor 4 years |
Run an LCD test. My bet is that your LCD is toast. I was get... Im Forum Hardware, firmware and software help |
Vor 4 years |