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Gruppe: Registriert
Beigetreten: 2016/07/20
Eminent Member
zero experience here,(SL1 wont be delivered for another mont...

Im Forum General discussion, announcements and releases

Vor 5 years
I see that they update their shipping table page, but not on...

Im Forum General discussion, announcements and releases

Vor 5 years
Don't know why we are on the topic of FDM, but I see IPA as ...

Im Forum General discussion, announcements and releases

Vor 5 years
From the assembly photos and Prusa's brief explanation, they...

Im Forum General discussion, announcements and releases

Vor 5 years
I wonder at their LCD currently on their E-shop, because the...

Im Forum General discussion, announcements and releases

Vor 5 years
I found some info related to LCD mask lifespan, So It looks ...

Im Forum General discussion, announcements and releases

Vor 5 years
To me it sounds like the only concentration they have availa...

Im Forum General discussion, announcements and releases

Vor 5 years
Doesn't make any sense, but then again they may have their r...

Im Forum General discussion, announcements and releases

Vor 6 years
FEP Spare parts were up on the store for a little over a few...

Im Forum General discussion, announcements and releases

Vor 6 years
Disclaimer: Does not have resin experience, but will have an...

Im Forum General discussion, announcements and releases

Vor 6 years
Probably a supply and demand thing, not enough demand for th...

Im Forum General discussion, announcements and releases

Vor 6 years
Its true that it is overall weaker, however it seems like th...

Im Forum General discussion, announcements and releases

Vor 6 years
I'm not convinced that the things printed on the SLA will be...

Im Forum General discussion, announcements and releases

Vor 6 years
I think the resin detection, and the fume filter is the bigg...

Im Forum General discussion, announcements and releases

Vor 6 years
I've had my printer with its original sheet since July with ...

Im Forum Others (Archive)

Vor 8 years
What are you cleaning the bed with? My best results was to u...

Im Forum Others (Archive)

Vor 8 years
Does anyone elses bed wiggle a little bit on a slight rotati...

Im Forum Others (Archive)

Vor 8 years
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