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Grupa: Zarejestrowany
Dołączył: 2015/11/23
Estimable Member
Pretty much 100% S3D, i havent found a need for anything ...

In forum Others (Archive)

9 years temu
Another good tip if you get something stuck in the heat brea...

In forum Prusa i3 kit (Archive)

9 years temu
Ive honestly never found a need to dry any of my filaments (...

In forum Others (Archive)

9 years temu
Hi, I just faced quite an annoying issue with my MK2 print...

In forum Others (Archive)

9 years temu
The manual is very specific on were to set the probe, which ...

In forum Others (Archive)

9 years temu
No it isnt model issue (mostly), I had same issues with new ...

In forum General discussion, announcements and releases

9 years temu
Can you post your Gcode for review? We use S3d exclusively a...

In forum General discussion, announcements and releases

9 years temu
Went to print some stuff in PLA Normal (.20) and noticed thi...

In forum General discussion, announcements and releases

9 years temu
Awesome idea 😀 Though i honestly cant remember the last ...

In forum Awesome prints (Hall Of Fame)

9 years temu
Ive found that the stock temps indicated in the firmware (21...

In forum Others (Archive)

9 years temu
David My guess is that the PTFE tube is not quite square at...

In forum Others (Archive)

9 years temu
in regards to the thermal paste, i would say its not really ...

In forum Others (Archive)

9 years temu
Ive had my printer waiting hours between swaps a few time (u...

In forum Print tips (Archive)

9 years temu
Did not see this. Spoke with customer service and they advis...

In forum Hardware, firmware and software help

9 years temu
That turned out AWESOME! Any chance we can get a link to...

In forum Awesome prints (Hall Of Fame)

9 years temu
Ive been using the window cleaner as Josef showed in his vid...

In forum Prusa i3 kit (Archive)

9 years temu
If the headed bed can't be fixed, is/will there be an option...

In forum Others (Archive)

9 years temu
If the headed bed can't be fixed, is/will there be an option...

In forum Others (Archive)

9 years temu
Erron One more thought on why this happens; could be due to...

In forum Others (Archive)

9 years temu
I'm not sure how the math works out (Prusa seems to have rem...

In forum Others (Archive)

9 years temu
Strona 3 / 8