Hi Mat
I have bought a MK2s kit last May and I got it end o... Dans le forum Others (Archive) |
il y a 7 years |
...To be able to tune the PID, do I need to fully configure ... Dans le forum Others (Archive) |
il y a 8 years |
😛 wow, this pid tuning worked pretty well !!!
😕 in the p... Dans le forum Others (Archive) |
il y a 8 years |
Other two pictures, that were not posted previously. Here yo... Dans le forum Assembly and first prints troubleshooting |
il y a 8 years |
I've tried values around -0.600 using the V2calibration.... Dans le forum Assembly and first prints troubleshooting |
il y a 8 years |
I've tried values around -0.600 using the V2calibration.... Dans le forum Assembly and first prints troubleshooting |
il y a 8 years |
...I have tried several settings: -0.350, -0.375, -0.400, -0... Dans le forum Assembly and first prints troubleshooting |
il y a 8 years |
I have assembled my MK2S kit, updated the firmware to v... Dans le forum Assembly and first prints troubleshooting |
il y a 8 years |
Adjust correctly the Z height for the nozzle Dans le forum Others (Archive) |
il y a 8 years |
On the MK2S kit it's difficult to adjust the probe. Even aft... Dans le forum Prusa i3 kit (Archive) |
il y a 8 years |
Thanks Christophe for the very good explanation, but the hea... Dans le forum Others (Archive) |
il y a 8 years |
Ordered an orange/black MK2S kit on May 9th, delivered in Sw... Dans le forum General discussion, announcements and releases |
il y a 8 years |
Ordered an orange/black MK2S kit on May 9th, delivered in Sw... Dans le forum General discussion, announcements and releases |
il y a 8 years |
Ordered an orange/black MK2S kit on May 9th, should be deliv... Dans le forum General discussion, announcements and releases |
il y a 8 years |
Ordered May 9th, black/orange MK2S kit, gratis filament. Dans le forum General discussion, announcements and releases |
il y a 8 years |
Ordered May 9th, black/orange MK2S kit, got this evening an ... Dans le forum General discussion, announcements and releases |
il y a 8 years |
Ordered May 9th, black/orange MK2S kit, got this evening an ... Dans le forum General discussion, announcements and releases |
il y a 8 years |
Increasing the production of fully assembled by 20 a day is ... Dans le forum General discussion, announcements and releases |
il y a 8 years |
The table has been ... Dans le forum General discussion, announcements and releases |
il y a 8 years |
I just noticed on the webshop page that lead time for the ki... Dans le forum General discussion, announcements and releases |
il y a 8 years |