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Emanuele I
Emanuele I
Groupe: Enregistré
A(ont) rejoint: 2018/01/07
Active Member
This is the final result:

Dans le forum How do I print this? (Printing help)

il y a 2 years
I solved the problem simply optimizing the number of perimet...

Dans le forum How do I print this? (Printing help)

il y a 2 years
Thank you for your suggestion @fuchsr, but switching to clas...

Dans le forum How do I print this? (Printing help)

il y a 2 years
Rough walls - probably incorrect wall thickness

Dans le forum How do I print this? (Printing help)

il y a 2 years
Yesterday I had this problem again. So I unplugged all wirin...

Dans le forum Hardware, firmware and software help

il y a 5 years
Hi, I've used dimafix on the latest 3 prints on my smooth PE...

Dans le forum Others (Archive)

il y a 5 years
Hi Andarne. I also suspect the problem might be related to p...

Dans le forum Hardware, firmware and software help

il y a 5 years
PSU: Silver stock Firmware: MMU2S v 1.0.6-372 - MK3S v 3.8.0...

Dans le forum Hardware, firmware and software help

il y a 5 years
I think this is the same problem described here: I had the ...

Dans le forum Hardware, firmware and software help

il y a 5 years
My hypothesis seems to be confirmed also by the Prusa guide ...

Dans le forum Assembly and first prints troubleshooting

il y a 6 years
Front PTFE holder assembly and tubes orientation: are we sur...

Dans le forum Assembly and first prints troubleshooting

il y a 6 years
Inches: 10 7/8"W x 9 3/8"D (screws stick out 5/8 so real mea...

Dans le forum General discussion, announcements and releases

il y a 6 years
Hi @richard.p16, could you please post the rough measurement...

Dans le forum General discussion, announcements and releases

il y a 6 years
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