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David T.
David T.
Gruppo: Registrato
Registrato: 2016/05/15
Noble Member
Another try could be: make smaller layer height in upper par...

Nel forum Print tips (Archive)

8 years fa
Uvidim, ale zni to rozumne, protoze me nenapa nic co by tam ...

Nel forum Stavebnice Prusa i3 (Archiv)

8 years fa
Is your printer calibrated? If it is, you can still print vi...

Nel forum Others (Archive)

8 years fa
Y endstop actually doesn't have to be mounted at that positi...

Nel forum Others (Archive)

8 years fa
... což je asi nejdražší IPA, jaký jsem doteď viděl. 😉 Do...

Nel forum Rady k tisku (Archiv)

8 years fa
Thank you for the replies, I've contacted live support and ...

Nel forum Prusa i3 kit (Archive)

8 years fa
There are dozens of other eshops selling filaments. UTFG

Nel forum Others (Archive)

8 years fa
1mm is quite a lot. Contact PR support via live chat and tal...

Nel forum Prusa i3 kit (Archive)

8 years fa
ABS, 0.2mm layer, 3 perimeters, 25% rectilinear infill.

Nel forum Prusa i3 kit (Archive)

8 years fa
tesne pred zacatkem tisku zase sjede dolu a bude kalibrovat ...

Nel forum Stavebnice Prusa i3 (Archiv)

8 years fa
V jaké pozici je extruder během nahřívání podložky? Sonda vy...

Nel forum Stavebnice Prusa i3 (Archiv)

8 years fa
Fastest infill is no infill. 😉

Nel forum Print tips (Archive)

8 years fa
Pokud je to takové tiché ťukání, jako bys zlehoučka klepal t...

Nel forum Stavebnice Prusa i3 (Archiv)

8 years fa
Výměna PEI

Nel forum Ostatní (Archiv)

8 years fa
Je dobré začít tím, že si o tom člověk něco přečte. 😉

Nel forum Rady k tisku (Archiv)

8 years fa
Any plain text editor will work, even Notepad. I use Geany, ...

Nel forum Software (Archive)

8 years fa
Re: Vrze kladka na ose X

Nel forum Stavebnice Prusa i3 (Archiv)

8 years fa
It looks like M117 is broken by rolling filename feature. I ...

Nel forum Others (Archive)

8 years fa
I've tried changing the extrusion width from .4 down to .2 a...

Nel forum Print tips (Archive)

8 years fa
do a test print with at least 0.2mm of tolerance, then measu...

Nel forum Software (Archive)

8 years fa
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