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Registrato: 2016/10/31
Honorable Member
I have not printed with Prusa PLA black yet, but I it readin...

Nel forum Others (Archive)

8 years fa
If you run out of ideas, try printing on blue tape just as a...

Nel forum Others (Archive)

8 years fa
Thanks for the info. I printed a spare extruder body with n...

Nel forum Others (Archive)

8 years fa
Don't swith PSU switch from 110 to 220 while plugged in to t...

Nel forum Others (Archive)

8 years fa
If you are really going to ditch the bad PSU, you could just...

Nel forum Prusa i3 kit (Archive)

8 years fa
Can you print the prusa logo from the SD card and post a pho...

Nel forum Others (Archive)

8 years fa
Have you looked at the bed adjustment feature accessible fro...

Nel forum Prusa i3 kit (Archive)

8 years fa
The fact that you have not printed anything on the new print...

Nel forum Others (Archive)

8 years fa
Does extruder-body.stl need to be printed with supports?

Nel forum Others (Archive)

8 years fa
No offense taken. Too much time on my hands for the holiday...

Nel forum Others (Archive)

8 years fa
Simple way to stop print if pinda is hit, thermal run away t...

Nel forum Others (Archive)

8 years fa
I think I fond an easier method that uses 3M Z-Axis tape (co...

Nel forum Others (Archive)

8 years fa
I'm still waiting on the mk2 to arrive but I think will prin...

Nel forum Others (Archive)

8 years fa
In the print settings there is a Notes area. A nice feature...

Nel forum Software (Archive)

8 years fa
I really like what has been accomplished with the Prusa Slic...

Nel forum Software (Archive)

8 years fa
Slic3r Prusa 1.31.6-prusa3d, loading 1.5 optimal profile?

Nel forum Software (Archive)

8 years fa
In thinking about this more, the mesh level would be bypasse...

Nel forum Others (Archive)

8 years fa
Get the eSun filament cleaner. I had a clog and did the ato...

Nel forum Prusa i3 kit (Archive)

8 years fa
This thing works really well:

Nel forum Others (Archive)

8 years fa
This article has some good information regarding material t...

Nel forum Others (Archive)

8 years fa
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