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Grupa: Zarejestrowany
Dołączył: 2016/10/31
Honorable Member
If you want to see if this is an issue on your MK2, I guess ...

In forum Others (Archive)

8 years temu
More photos of my temp solution

In forum Others (Archive)

8 years temu
Cable bend causes fan to cut off when z=66, x < 100

In forum Others (Archive)

8 years temu
I would say adding a brim (checkbox in the slicer software) ...

In forum Print tips (Archive)

8 years temu
Power supply units use a simple thermal fuse. One idea is t...

In forum Others (Archive)

8 years temu
Is there any reason that you are not printing with a brim?

In forum Print tips (Archive)

8 years temu
Can you prevent fan failure

In forum Others (Archive)

8 years temu
You could also try a few other things if it is not possible ...

In forum Print tips (Archive)

8 years temu
I would say the slicer. Could you rotate the object by 90 ...

In forum Print tips (Archive)

8 years temu
I put down blue tape because it will always let the printed ...

In forum Print tips (Archive)

8 years temu
Add functionality to change colors with just one STL file fo...

In forum Improvements (Archive)

8 years temu
Should one buy a nozzle for each filament type to avoid jams...

In forum Prusa i3 kit (Archive)

8 years temu
You want a replacement belt but in the mean time you could u...

In forum Others (Archive)

8 years temu
I am just throwing out some ideas. Assuming you have replac...

In forum Prusa i3 kit (Archive)

8 years temu
Groot is awesome. Remix for hydrophonics and printed in woo...

In forum Awesome prints (Hall Of Fame)

8 years temu
Question: Has anyone used the Xbox to make detailed scans a...

In forum Print tips (Archive)

8 years temu
Spiral Gears

In forum Awesome prints (Hall Of Fame)

8 years temu
I was think how to avoid this with some circuits. Filament ...

In forum Others (Archive)

8 years temu
White handle STL was from Blender Wood handle STL was from ...

In forum Print tips (Archive)

8 years temu
When fans fail are there any warning signs?

In forum Prusa i3 kit (Archive)

8 years temu
Strona 15 / 30