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Gruppe: Registriert
Beigetreten: 2016/05/17
Trusted Member
I don't have any drafts where the printer is, it's the corne...

Im Forum Others (Archive)

Vor 8 years
To follow up, the print did actually finish and the only cha...

Im Forum Others (Archive)

Vor 8 years
I'm using plain old windex, but I tried with liquid dish soa...

Im Forum Others (Archive)

Vor 8 years
I'm at my wits end, I spent most of today trying to get it t...

Im Forum Others (Archive)

Vor 8 years
Thanks guys, I found the fan setting in Slic3r moments after...

Im Forum Others (Archive)

Vor 8 years
Print Issues (with picture)

Im Forum Others (Archive)

Vor 8 years
Ok, I updated to the latest firmware, did a factory reset, a...

Im Forum Others (Archive)

Vor 8 years
One other question since I haven't done this before, can you...

Im Forum Others (Archive)

Vor 8 years
I'll update tonight and see what happens. Where can I find ...

Im Forum Others (Archive)

Vor 8 years
Any idea what $ range the repair kit will cost and how diffi...

Im Forum Others (Archive)

Vor 8 years
Heated bed and some questions/issues

Im Forum Others (Archive)

Vor 8 years
They should be, I followed the instructions, but I'll check ...

Im Forum Others (Archive)

Vor 8 years
Thanks for the feedback everyone, I will make some changes f...

Im Forum Others (Archive)

Vor 8 years
I don't think it was the spool holder, as I was watching it ...

Im Forum Others (Archive)

Vor 8 years
What caused this?

Im Forum Others (Archive)

Vor 8 years
Building the Extruder now and ran into a few issues. The Ext...

Im Forum Others (Archive)

Vor 8 years
Ok, I'm currently printing 3Dbenchy and it seems to be worki...

Im Forum Others (Archive)

Vor 8 years
Ok, so let's say I have the demo's printing well and want to...

Im Forum Others (Archive)

Vor 8 years
Slic3r Settings for MK2

Im Forum Others (Archive)

Vor 8 years
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