Running an XL with 6.2.0 firmware and having the same basic ... Nel forum Hardware, firmware and software help |
2 days fa |
I think PrusaSlicer does factor in the heat soak time involv... Nel forum Hardware, firmware and software help |
6 months fa |
Prusa Link print just stops part way through - no error mess... Nel forum Hardware, firmware and software help |
6 months fa |
And yet, they are. If you have anything from Prusa from the... Nel forum General discussion, announcements and releases |
7 months fa |
Of course it's possible... the slicer already does it and it... Nel forum General discussion, announcements and releases |
7 months fa |
I have seen 'updates' in the time estimate as the printer go... Nel forum Hardware, firmware and software help |
8 months fa |
Thermal Runaway Error When Almost Done? Nel forum Hardware, firmware and software help |
8 months fa |
Feature Request: Allow Cancel Object on Wipe Tower Nel forum General discussion, announcements and releases |
8 months fa |
It's about the same as the file generated on the USB from th... Nel forum Hardware, firmware and software help |
9 months fa |
Old thread but bringing it back for the same problem. I hav... Nel forum Hardware, firmware and software help |
9 months fa |
February 4, 2022. The preorder actually came up right at th... Nel forum Assembly and first prints troubleshooting |
12 months fa |
A dozen or two failed prints later, I have some good results... Nel forum Assembly and first prints troubleshooting |
12 months fa |
Yeah, I've just been setting the bed temperature manually af... Nel forum Assembly and first prints troubleshooting |
1 year fa |
The heated bed temperature thing just happened again, and no... Nel forum Assembly and first prints troubleshooting |
1 year fa |
Thanks for the tip! I didn't realize it was configurable in... Nel forum Assembly and first prints troubleshooting |
1 year fa |
What's the speed settings for the bottom layer that sits on ... Nel forum PrusaSlicer |
1 year fa |
My first 5 days with my two extruder XL Nel forum Assembly and first prints troubleshooting |
1 year fa |
Oh, I'm not expecting it to be the solution, I don't know of... Nel forum User mods - OctoPrint, enclosures, nozzles, ... |
5 years fa |
Not really sure why you're jumping down my throat? Also I'm... Nel forum User mods - OctoPrint, enclosures, nozzles, ... |
5 years fa |
Worth mentioning that E3D's store page lists a guide for an ... Nel forum User mods - OctoPrint, enclosures, nozzles, ... |
5 years fa |