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Grupa: Zarejestrowany
Dołączył: 2021/12/14
Active Member
Mine is semi assembled, so haribo did not do too much damage... | 9 months temu | |
Sorry @acht, I don't really understand your issue. I'm not p... | 9 months temu | |
Heated bed issue, it's not flat | 9 months temu | |
It is a 2 tool head XL, but was printed with one color, sing... | 9 months temu | |
That's my sentiment too... XL is simply not ready. The "alwa... | 9 months temu | |
This is what I can do: Extremely disappointing print. This ... | 9 months temu | |
Brand new MK3S+, just assembled. I do have the same issue ab... In forum Hardware, firmware and software help |
3 years temu |