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Brian May
Grupa: Zarejestrowany
Dołączył: 2017/09/26
Active Member
Currently trying- only have one printed however, so can't re... | 6 years temu | |
I have the regular problem that sounds similar. As soon as I... | 6 years temu | |
The instructions say "Move the chimney as far left as possib... | 6 years temu | |
Filament feed problems printing 2 colour sheep on new instal... | 6 years temu | |
I believe my problems were caused because I incorrectly put ... In forum Others (Archive) |
7 years temu | |
Is the nozzle suppose to touch the bed during Z calibration? In forum Others (Archive) |
7 years temu | |
The nozzle wasn't going down far enough to touch the bed. I ... In forum Others (Archive) |
7 years temu | |
initial Z axis calibration fails [fully assembled] In forum Others (Archive) |
7 years temu |