// Retraction 30mm thinwalled square with holes // Using the nozzle width specification to set the wall widths // Used to test and adjust retraction. // Blobbing at the start of the holes means too little retraction // lightness on the trailing side of the holes means retraction speed is too slow. material return to nozzle is low. // // include ; my_h=10.0; // 5mm high my_layer=.2; // my_l1=30.0; // 50 125 is big my_w1=33.0; nozzle_size=0.45; // your nozzle size wall=nozzle_size; my_f=12; // 3 facets make a triangle 12 something else //base //translate([0,0,my_layer/2]) { // cube(size=[my_l1, my_l1, my_layer*2], center=true); //} // large translate([0,0,my_h/2]) { difference() { $fn=30; roundedBox([my_l1 ,my_l1,my_h],3, true); roundedBox([my_l1-(wall*2),my_l1-(wall*2),my_h],2.5, true); //cube(size=[my_l1, my_l1, my_h], center=true); //# cube(size=[my_l1-wall*2, my_l1-wall*2, my_h], center=true); //holes translate([0,5,0]) rotate([0,90,0]) cylinder(r=my_h/3, h=my_l1*2, center=true); mirror([0,1,0]) translate([10,5,0]) rotate([0,90,0]) cylinder(r=my_h/3, h=my_l1*2, center=true); } }