RE: Silicone brush on print sheet for improved nozzle cleaning
I'm not convinced that it is necessary for me (I've already ingrained the habit of cleaning the nozzle when prepping the printer for a new print). But if others see value in it... An issue that I can see of attaching the little silicone "brush" to the print sheet is you have to remove it and re-attach if you want to use the other side of the print sheet.
See my (limited) designs on:
Printables -
Thingiverse -
RE: Silicone brush on print sheet for improved nozzle cleaning
True but the brushes are $2 each. I'm not sure about a standard sheet, but if you use a longer sheet (as in my example) the brush doesn't hit anything on the printer so the sheet can be flipped with no problem.
I'm not convinced that it is necessary for me (I've already ingrained the habit of cleaning the nozzle when prepping the printer for a new print). But if others see value in it... An issue that I can see of attaching the little silicone "brush" to the print sheet is you have to remove it and re-attach if you want to use the other side of the print sheet.
RE: Silicone brush on print sheet for improved nozzle cleaning
I added the mod from printables and so far it seems to be working. Two prints with ASA worked without manul picking of the nozzl.e Not sure if I should adjust anything in the slicer to account for the supposed 1mm reduced y-travel.
RE: Silicone brush on print sheet for improved nozzle cleaning
I wonder why it´s on the "wrong side". Core One is doing all preparations for printing on the right side, the wiper is attachted to the left side.
Wouldt it be easier to mirror the print and attach it on the right side so that Headtravel and traveltime is at minimum to avoid new oozing during that times?