Helpful print bed tool
This little spatula has been super handy for me, so I thought I'd share. I use it to gently remove small objects from the print bed without having to touch the surface. Skirts, the nozzle prime line, etc. It has rounded edges so it isn't scratching my PEI print bed.
I'm not affiliated with this thing in any way, and of course your mileage may vary - I just personally find it useful so I thought I'd share.
RE: Helpful print bed tool
I ruined the surface of one of the smooth steel sheets using just such a tool! I was able to pry off the print, but with it came a few pieces of the coating. I now use plastic printed tools, and if one of those gets worn, I just print another.
I learned the hard way that if the print does not want to budge, stop, let it cool, and if needed apply some warm/cold cycles and not use anything metal.
RE: Helpful print bed tool
This little spatula has been super handy for me, so I thought I'd share. I use it to gently remove small objects from the print bed without having to touch the surface. Skirts, the nozzle prime line, etc. It has rounded edges so it isn't scratching my PEI print bed.
I'm not affiliated with this thing in any way, and of course your mileage may vary - I just personally find it useful so I thought I'd share.
I would rather recommend this printed spatula: spatula
Statt zu klagen, dass wir nicht alles haben, was wir wollen, sollten wir lieber dankbar sein, dass wir nicht alles bekommen, was wir verdienen.
RE: Helpful print bed tool
I got the idea from the Prusa Mini setup video, Josef used a similar tool. In general, I try not to pry prints off with a tool like this or a plastic one. This tool is great for knocking off skirts and wipe lines without having to touch the bed - small items especially.
RE: Helpful print bed tool
Thanks for sharing, this spatular is perfect. Thinking of printing a bunch because I always seem to have to look for mine when I need it
RE: Helpful print bed tool
A number of users use this one:
Just do a search for plastic razor.
It matches the printer colour as well, does not scratch and the blades are replaceable.
Normal people believe that if it is not broke, do not fix it. Engineers believe that if it is not broke, it does not have enough features yet.
RE: Helpful print bed tool
I too prefer the plastic razor blades.
I have bothFOSHIO 2PCS Plastic Razor Scrapers and Razor Scraper with Metal and Plastic Blades. I have learned that the beds last longer if you avoid metal blades.
Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog
RE: Helpful print bed tool
Those metal razor blades are actually very useful for using in cutting jigs to cut PTFE tube to length as they are quite thin.
Normal people believe that if it is not broke, do not fix it. Engineers believe that if it is not broke, it does not have enough features yet.
RE: Helpful print bed tool
Thanks. I will use them for that.
Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog