Will the Ironing feature work with other printers that Prusa slicer supports as it does on my MK3
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Will the Ironing feature work with other printers that Prusa slicer supports as it does on my MK3  

Trusted Member
Will the Ironing feature work with other printers that Prusa slicer supports as it does on my MK3

Hi all, I have recently used the Ironing feature for some top faces of some lettering on my Prusa MK3, and was very pleased with the results.

I need to do a similar larger project and want to buy a larger bed printer for this,  I am thinking about the Elegoo Neptune 3 Plus.

I see there is a profile for the Neptune 3 printers in Prusa slicer , and that I could set the bed size for the Plus model, as it was initial set to the smaller version of the Neptune.

My Question is assuming that the printer is functioning normally, will the Ironing feature work with the Neptune, and will the results be similar to that of my mk3?


Posted : 01/03/2023 3:38 am
Illustrious Member
RE: Will the Ironing feature work with other printers that Prusa slicer supports as it does on my MK3

That depends entirely on the printer.  You will have to try it and see.  You may need to tweak the ironing settings from their defaults too.  Unfortunately not many people have one yet (I'm personally waiting for the 3 Max to become available in again).

As a matter of interest how is the Neptune's nozzle shaped ?  Is it like the Mk8 nozzles or like a v6 ?  I should think that would have an effect on ironing.  The Mk8 which is common on Chinese printers come down to more of a point while the E3D V6 ones have a larger flat area around the exit which gives more surface area for ironing.

Posted : 01/03/2023 7:11 am
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Will the Ironing feature work with other printers that Prusa slicer supports as it does on my MK3

Looks like it uses the MK8, do you think you could slightly alter the tip of the nozzle to adjust that parameter of amount of tip surface area?  But other than that are there any other attributes of a printer that might prevent its ability to do ironing? Here is a link to a quick look at a nozzle. The max that's a giant! Yeah they are out of stock, wonder how long the wait will be.  



Posted : 01/03/2023 7:54 am
Illustrious Member
RE: Will the Ironing feature work with other printers that Prusa slicer supports as it does on my MK3

If you look at the cross section of the nozzle then no you couldn't flatten the tip very much at all.  That would widen the nozzle diameter beyond a certain point .  In effect a super amount of nozzle wear.  

The threads are the same though so potentially you could just mount a E3D V6 nozzle on the hotend.  I'm probably going to do that anyway as I want to fit either a .6 or .8 given the printer size 🙂

In theory just about any extruder should be able to do ironing.  In theory.  In practice I'm not the person to answer that as I don't use it very often.  My Mk3 is pretty well dialled in and my top surfaces are smooth without it.  My cr10 (what the Max will replace) is used for big prints and I've never tried it on that.  


Posted : 01/03/2023 8:15 am
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Will the Ironing feature work with other printers that Prusa slicer supports as it does on my MK3

Thanks for that info.

Posted : 01/03/2023 7:35 pm
New Member

The Ironing feature should work similarly on the Elegoo Neptune 3 Plus as it does on the Prusa MK3, provided that the printer is calibrated correctly and is functioning normally.

The Ironing feature is a post-processing feature that smooths the top layer of a print by using the hot nozzle to flatten the top layer. The process relies on the printer's ability to precisely control the height of the nozzle, and the quality of the top layer depends on the accuracy of this control. If the Elegoo Neptune 3 Plus has good bed leveling and the nozzle height is consistent across the bed, then the Ironing feature should work as expected.

This post was modified 1 year ago by herryyy
Posted : 07/03/2023 5:24 am
link building
RE: Will the Ironing feature work with other printers that Prusa slicer supports as it does on my MK3

Hey! If the Elegoo Neptune 3 Plus printer is functioning normally, the Ironing feature should work with it. Since there is a profile available for the Neptune 3 printers in Prusa slicer, you can set the bed size for the Plus model accordingly. While the specific results may vary between printers, the Ironing feature generally provides a smooth and polished finish to the top surfaces of your prints. So, you can expect similar results on the Neptune 3 Plus as you experienced on your MK3.

Posted : 27/10/2023 10:35 am