Why is the flow set to 95%?
In the Prusa Slicer profiles for the MINI (both IS and non-IS; also for other printers), the flow is set to 95% by using M221 S95. When I weight the objects after printing, they come out to be 95% of the desired weight, thus actually the printer is underextruding - even with Prusament.
Apparently some explaination was given here: https://forum.prusa3d.com/forum/original-prusa-i3-mk3s-mk3-others-archive/updated-slic3r-pe-over-extrusion-and-cooling-solved/#post-58258 and apparently this was set due to overextrusion.
However, if you search the forum, there are plenty of topics asking why it is set to 95% and the answer is often "just change it to S100"...
Thus, is this really just a remnant of an old bug that was already fixed in modern firmware? Or is there any other reason why this is still in the profiles?